Blogs are a really good source for people who are new to BDSM as they provide a good insight to the thinking of people are already into BDSM.

I enjoy reading fair amount of blogs that are written by people that are into BDSM one way or the other and my reading spans from writers of fictional stories to the experiences of people living a 24/7 relationship. It’s something that triggers my own thinking, as well as giving me something that I can build my own opinions around.

So here are some BDSM blogs that I find interesting and some of them are quite new and very interesting.

The first one I would like to recommend is the Onlinesubmissive which is written by a woman in her 40’s who restricts her BDSM life to online only. It’s very interesting because of two reason. The first one is that it’s a new blog which means that you have a possibility to follow her experiences from the start. The second reason that I find this blog interesting is that her writing is very introspective and there is a lot of reflection of her own thoughts in the posts and her experiences are not always positive ones. This blog offers you a good insight to the subjective experiences of a phenomena that is often looked down upon by the BDSM community.

As I am a photographer myself, I enjoy looking at the neuFleisch blog which is a new acquaintance to me. It’s not a pure bred BDSM blog, it’s the home of a fetish photographer and if you are into fetish photography then it is a good blog to get some inspiration from. The posts consist of some really interesting videos with references to famous photographers, as well as videos that of good value of you want to learn lighting techniques. There are some posts which contains personal experiences, but I would say that this blogs is not revealing too much about the person behind it.

The third and last blog I would like to push for is Remittance Girl, a blog that both contains fictional erotic stories as well as blog posts – But the fictional stories is the main attraction. The stories show good craftmanship and contains humiliation play among other things. I really enjoy the exposure of power that some of the stories has and to me it is clear that they have some thoughts put into them. Do I need to say that name calling is a favorite thing of mine?



DeSade Magazine covers BDSM from the inside. It is an online magazine created and crafted by experienced BDSM practitioners for anyone who is interested in personal stories, techniques, how-to’s and everything surrounding BDSM around the world.


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