In order to obey my master, Stoltz Sinatra’s order I’m writing a piece on the essence of being disobedient
Ok so here it is… My Master Stoltz Sinatra has ordered me to start this post… and it is as the title says about the Essence of Disobedience *rolls her eyes*
As some of you know I am some what of a disobedient pet, and he has ordered me to explain why I am..this way, So here goes:
Being a disobedient pet can mean all kinds of things, and the reason people do it is, to each their own..
How ever if there are people like me, they … well just can’t be obedient ALL of the time, I find that a little boring, I need a challenge and I also think that My Master needs one too 🙂 I know my Master well enough by now to know that he would be bored stiff if I was one of those pets that said “yes Master, No Master” and obeyed every order,… I do not judge others who enjoy that kind of life, that is entirely their own choice..
So in short I like to be disobedient as not only does it give me some “good” punishments but also some “bad” now you can take that as you will, as each indiviual enjoys many different aspects of being a sub..
Now there are plenty of punishments i’ve had and will probably get that I do not and will not ever enjoy, so I know limits and lines *that I might creep across every now and then to test the patience of my Master 🙂
Being disobedient doesn’t get me to have everything I want, or make my life easy, and why should I want that? Who says or where does it say in the “rule” book that each and every pet/sub has to be “perfect” or the same as the next sub, I much prefer to have originality and challenges and variety in my life..
People can argue that my disobedience is a bad “look” on my Master, makes him seem he has no control or has not trained me well, just to assure ANYONE who doubts that, it is NOT so, he and only he has been able to get me to the place I am at now. other Dom’s have tried and failed *that does not mean they are bad Dom’s just not the ones to curb me!
I say… Try it! Really, go on, to all you Subs who haven’t dared to disobey, just try it… see the difference.. if you don’t like it.. then revert to your own ways.. I’m pretty sure most subs/pets have done and will continue to, but maybe the ones who are new and don’t know any better, I hope that this can shed some new light on something you’ve never thought of before..
You might be saying to yourself well if she’s so disobedient why did she obey and write the article on this, well to be honest for a couple of reasons, this is what the blog is for 😛 and for another it doesn’t hurt to be a “good girl” every now n’ then *grins evily* Keep them sweet you know 😉
Smiles hello,
I agree with this compleatly…
For those that are worried about showing their Masters/Mistresses up by being mischievious, I would say ask them about it explain that you would like to be a little naughty/yourself for both your Doms pleasure as well as your own, I believe that most Doms would like to see and have others see the spirit of their sub/slave so that others may know that she was worth fighting for if nesisary.
Sometimes I can be as sweet as an angel orther times im the devil in desguise as elvis put it in his song “walks like an angel, talks like an angel… but i know shes te devil in desguise” or something like that smiles.
I sometimes long to be such a good slave that I would be a yes Master no Master ultra well behaved but it isnt in my nature and if I was to be like that then I would feel like a big part of me was dead and I would slip down into a dark place which would be no good for me or my Master.
In my personal thoughts I wonder how a Masters/Mistresses limits can be streached if a sub/slave is so obediant where would the Masters/Mistresses challange be and would he really be happy without some sort of challange.
Of course there are times and places for mischieveyousness and if it is an important occasion or if you know your Master/Mistress wants you to be good so he may be proud to show off your goood beheivour then its your duty as a sub/slave to be the ultra good yes Master no Master slave at othertimes let yourself slowly and gently push your naughtyness but watch your Doms reaction closely afterall even thought your aiming for some punishment you dont really want to hurt their feelings now do you.
myangels Destiny (note the angel part winks)
Sweet and Innocent Smiles Warmly
Hi all,
Time for what will no doubt be the least popular comment here, because I tend to disagree, quite strongly, in fact. Before I continue though, a small disclaimer; the text below is just my own humble opinion, do with it as you wish and keep in mind it certainly isn’t meant as a personal jab towards anyone. This comment described the way I prefer things and my sub to be. It can and will be dramatically different for other people, which is a good thing and I wouldn’t dare judge. We all have our opinions and preferences, the comment below is mine.
To begin with, I feel disobedience should not be accepted and definately not encouraged at any point in time. I can’t think of a single good reason why I would allow my sub to be intentionally disobedient and disrespectful. Some possible reasons have been mentioned above and frankly I dont really think any of them would work for me.
To run through the more popular ones; If you enjoy the activities related to discipline, simply ask for them. If you feel a constant need to test your dominants ability to control you then have a good think about whether or not you are where you should be and whether he or she is the person to be next to. If being intentionally disobedient is your way of regaining some control ask yourself what it is you’re so desperately trying to cling to and why. There’s more I could mention here but I’m relatively sure the point is made 🙂
Unfortunately, I’ve never personally explored the submissive end of the spectrum, so when people say “if I always had to do as told my submissive self would die” I can do little but raise a brow and take their word for it, if reluctantly. Still, I’d not feel comfortable with a sub that feels that way. I’ll immediately accept that that me be a flaw of mine more so than theirs though.
In my opinion, my sub has opted for my collar on a voluntary basis knowing full well what the terms would be. Once that collar is there I expect her to do as I please and if all is well, doing so pleases her just as much. Mutual happiness and all that jazz. If she can’t or does not want to, there’s always the option to call it a day and look further for all involved.
That said, I understand perfectly well behaving as expected isn’t always possible, but I expect her to try. In other words, although perfection is a nonsensical goal, I expect her to want to give it a go nonetheless. And do note that this doesn’t suddenly remove all room and understanding for playfulness, teasing and other fun stuff. I also somewhat object to the doormat references that are often made during these discussions. If two people are happy in the relationship and it hurts nobody else, shy away from judging, no matter how different their preferences are to yours.
And as a small footnote, I would question my own judgement if I disciplined my sub in the way she’d be fishing for. Topping from the bottom is a bit of a pet peeve for me, as is predictability.
Well there you go, the $0,02 from the anal dutch guy 🙂
Smiles hello again,
I spoke to my Master after posting here, actualy probibly should have spoken to him first smiles would have saved myself the hassle of posting a responce.
When I read to him what I had written he was as Roman is and disagreed with what id said however when he aske me to explaine what I ment I realised what I wrote was written with much thought and so after much consideration I am going to try and explain what I ment and so to do so I need to talk about a few things me being one of them lol so your forwarned (I will not give out any details that may lead anyone to knowing who or where I am though smiles).
First off I dont just roleplay (fun as it is by itself) I live the scene D/s BDSM on a day in day out 365 days a year in real life though I wont go into those details here.
I came into the real life scene in 2002 and was first a sub later on I became a slave… let me stop here and explaine how I have been tought of as the differeances (at least from the real life scene uk side of things).
A sub is a submisive person that although may be collared to a specific Dom they have choices even though they are collared they have the right to say no to the Dom if they feel it is something they are not ready to attempt (this is what I was taught in real life from many real life people living out the scene not just in clubs playing but also those doing it continualy smiles) they have safewords (such as when playing in a scene Green for go, Amber for gettin close to limits and Red for Stop and if Red is heard then it at least in a club scene the Dom is expect to stop imediatly) and offten if meeting in private a sub if well experianced will have set up safe guards before playing with people outside though this is optional the Dom should at least expect a possible situation to have been pre set up usally a phone call to a safe person who knows the plays location and who will expect a call at certain times to check all is going ok.
A slave on the other hand (usually been a sub with the Dom before until trust has been set up as Trust is a key issue especialy when slave comes into question) is compleatly diffrent they choose to give up the right to say no to the Dom and anyone should seriously think hard about it before they go into that type of relationship as once you agree to being a slave you put your life in your Doms hands if he really wanted you to jump off a cliff youd really be obliged as a slave (worse case senario but you should consider that before you become a slave.
Now back to me I have always admired slaves even the so called doormat slaves and so when I my relationship with my Master was one of total trust we decided we both wanted that type of relationship.
If you read what I posted before you may think I do not do as I am told or that I top from the bottom but that is not what I ment though it may appear to some to look that way. If my Master tells me to do something or sets a rule which I know is stricked and has no leyway then I do as im told however to me the doormat slave would sit/kneel by her Dom at all times would not comunicate with anyone else unless bid to do so by their Dom (in my thoughts they would then also be very limited how they spoke) they would not for me have a soul/spirit and would be little chalange to their Dom (in my pesonal opinion of course and I am sure there are many levels to this type of relationship). When I say I am naughty or mischeivous or even try to test the Dominance of my Dom by trying to wriggle out of something I dont want to do, if my Master looks at me in a certain way because ive hesitated to obey or changes his tone of voice then I will obey imediatly if not a little sulky lol (I am human after all) otherwise I see mischeivousness in sl as running around teasing people or throwing them into a pit if they ignore me lol in real life it may be diffrent like if I was commanded to do something and I knew he would like to feel extra dominant by forcing me to do it I may have a twinkle in my eye and refuse which leads to him being extra powerful and dominant and we both gain from that, as he feels even more power and I even more submision and we both know that I would have done it anyway and that it my apperance to be reluctant or disobediant was mearly to enhance the occasion (when you get to a Master slave relationship you know each other in and out you can read their body language so well you know the diffrence between good and bad etc).
I know I am a true slave as I would give up my life for my Master if he so desired it to be but that is not to say I wouldnt question it first smiles afterall life i presious and no matter what anyone says life is always challanging even in a D/s relationship I do know that if my Master insisted i jumped off a cliff after my hesitation and resurance that he really did want me to do that I would do it however I trust my relationship with him and if he did make me do that I am sure that he would also prevent me from doing it as I mean more to him alive than dead but he may want to test my slavery to him to the extreams and that is his right as I choose it to be.
I am sorry if this offends anyone its just who I am and I dont condone anyone doing as I have done I have had many experiances in rl in the D/s BDSM line and am happy to share details to a certain extent if anyone wished.
On a subject aside from my own relationship with my Master personaly I dont see a problem if your starting a new relationship or are roleplaying wit someone in rl or in sl for a sub to Top from the bottom if the Dom has had little experiance they my learn a lot fom the sub and after time their relationship may expand to a more real D/s realationship.
Also no offense ment but in rl play somtimes it is a good idea if the Dom does try out something on themselves first before playing with a sub (I would say mainly with new Doms because you need to have a really good understanding of what it feels like on the other side to play safely though a good thing to remember is that everyone has diffrent pain/pleasure levels so a self test is a good base to start with but shouldnt be taken as deffinate (personaly find most subs have a higher pain/pleasure tolerance than the Doms winks but thats half the fun right)
Ok enough of my blabbering on hope this gives people an idea of who I am and what I belive and hopefully someone will enjoy reading it smiles.
Lots of love and warmest wishes to one and all
myangels Destiny
ps not proof reading this its said as i feel and I apologise for the spelling and grammer mistakes xxx
Oooook then *rubs her hands together, lets see.. Slut is going to respond to both of you here, (slut being me)
Roman.. thinking bad of you because you have an opinion albeit different is no reason to make you unpopular.. slut and her Master encourage everyone to be honest and straight forward on this blog.
Ok where to start…Roman, a few things to say, … sluts post wasn’t just about disobedience but mischeivousness, sneakiness, also stretching the limits, so it wasn’t ALL about me just flat out saying no to my Master, pushing limits is a huge part in BDSM for most people, the Dom/me pushing the sub’s pain limits mental limits etc and as which the sub will push the Dom/mes patience tolerance knowledge experience and more.
the first thing, a quote from you “To begin with, I feel disobedience should not be accepted and definately not encouraged at any point in time. I can’t think of a single good reason why I would allow my sub to be intentionally disobedient”
the point of disobeying is that you’re not allowed to do it, so if you condone sub’s to do so, it wouldn’t hold its meaning…
Sluts Master does NOT ever allow slut to disobey him. if that were the case slut would more than likely do the opposite..
Next “To run through the more popular ones; If you enjoy the activities related to discipline, simply ask for them”
slut is not sorry to laugh and likely get in trouble for laughing at a comment but slut has to be honest, Seriously you really think ASKING for a punishment would be as enjoyable as being given it when being caught with your hand in the cookie jar? it totally reverses everything about punishments to go and ask for them..*btw your last comment in your post counters this so which is it to be?
Next “If you feel a constant need to test your dominants ability to control you then have a good think about whether or not you are where you should be and whether he or she is the person to be next to.” Whoooaaa there nelly… that’s madness…Sluts Master is THE only one that can control his slut, slut disobeying is not ALL about challenging his powers its about the repercussions, slut has no doubt what so ever that her Master has full and utter control. being disobedient has nothing in my world to do with having any control… slut never gets the control or slut would be domming Master… slut never sets punishments and infact detests many of the ones dealt out. does not and will not ever top from the bottom, just because slut has opinions and has a voice does not make slut a dom and never will.
Ok a statement then a question to all Dom/mes
Statement, In sluts opinion being a sub is HUGELY about learning and being taught,learning anything their Dom/me has to teach and being trained and controlled slut thinks nearly everyone will agree there,
So slut asks you all: What happens if a sub obeys to EVERYTHING absolutely EVERYTHING..they get everything right all the time they are the “purrfect” sub. (Albeit even the most experienced subs make mistakes, which wouldn’t be overly often,)
What happens then?
Does that mean the Dom/me has run out of things to teach because the more experienced you get at anything the less chance there is of making mistakes. so … What happens then?
(incase anyone thinks this, no slut does not think BDSM and being a sub is all about punishment)
So all Dom/mes Slut asks you, what would you get out of your relationship if your sub REALLY obeyed everything?
Myangels, It seems we agree on many things. slut would give her life for her Master, if it had to be slut or her Master, how ever slut must say that if a Dom/me asked/ordered you to kill yourself then that Dom/me is not a good one.. to take another life for what ever reason is just cr*p.
on a lighter note it would seem slut is both a sub and a slave so slut thinks that makes her a slub or maybe a slavube 😛
To quote you Myangels “I would have done it anyway and that it my apperance to be reluctant or disobediant was mearly to enhance the occasion”
that says it purrfectly..
Next “I dont see a problem if your starting a new relationship or are roleplaying wit someone in rl or in sl for a sub to Top from the bottom”
slut agrees and disagrees, slut thinks Topping from the bottom is not acceptable slut has seen this and thinks its rediculous. to slut that is just a confused person trying to sub and control at the same time… no no not working, dont be a sub to teach, be one to learn.
that comment does not mean a sub can’t teach another person experiences or pass on knowledge but in the situation of topping from the bottom its a no no.
A Dom/me should always have the experience of what they are handing out. otherwise how do you really truly know,
Slut will say one thing, please do not take things as a personal attack this is what a blog is for its to give us the chance to say our piece and be able to respond, there is no ill will bad feeling or what ever just because slut doesn’t agree with another..
Smiles at cat,
I agree cat with your comments and my Master wouldnt take my life but if he were too then as a slave and for my love for him I would (thankfuly I know for sure that he would I am worth more to him alive then dead and he our love goes both ways with us).
My comments about a sub topping from the bottom were more related to pay sessions when a sub can more advise how a dom can play with her to reach both their needs but it shouldnt be as i have seen some do and basicly the sub not letting the dom take the lead when i played in some clubs with new doms (under the close watch of my then Master) i would make sujestions or maybe rather explain how something made me feel (as long as it wasnt a proper session – then id be hopeless adviser sinking deep into subby land) and what else they may but this was only for the benifit of the new dom who was nervous of playing for the frst time which is why i say it should only be done when the cercomstances require it and the releationship if it where serious i doubt would last long if the sub continued to try to top from the bottom as the sub wouldnt really be getting what they needed and the dom if a true dom would also not be getting what they needed and therefore my point is i cant say i agree with topping from the bottom but i cant say there isnt a time and place for it sometimes though rarely.
One thought i just consiered however is if there are two subs in a relationship and they wanted to explore the D/s or BDSM relationship in which case one may still be slightly more dominant and so may enjoy topping from the bottom and in that case the dom would actualy love it to cause they where being domed lol
That was a wild thought so sorry it just popped into my head not given it a lot of thought smiles.
Ok enough blabbering on from me xxx
Warmest wishes to one and All
myangels Destiny xxx
Yeah!! (Wrings hands)! Nice blog you have here. I’ve enjoyed much reading your last posts. Keep it that way.