My image of myself is quite down to earth, I think. But then again – Who you are is also being defined from how other people perceive you. Their perception is being thrown back at you and it makes you think about yourself in a different ways.

Usually it is a good thing, but now and then it becomes a painful process, especially when there is a big gap between your image of yourself and how other perceives you. To conclude it all – To some people you are what you do, your being is defined by your actions.

Fair enough – But let’s throw some lack of knowledge into the picture and you, all of a sudden, get prejudgemental behaviour.

I get that occasional person in Second Life that usually reads my profile and then all hell breaks loose. I’ve been called an abuser, woman beater among other things – Basically I am a mean to the bone, a no good person. The assumption is based on their perception of my label: Master, dominant equals a mean person. And all of this happens within the domains of a computer generated virtual environment.

My response to that is two simple words: Get real!

A person that claims that a dominant in Second Life, is an abuser in Real Life, that person has a train of thoughts that have derailed somewhere along the way.

But yet again, to some people you are what you do. Does that statement work in all cases? No it doesn’t – It is more complex than that. You are not always what you do, and I am certainly not mean just because I am into BDSM or being a dominant. BDSM people are scene and fantasy oriented. Keyword here is fantasy. Most people can differ between a fantasy and something that is happening for real.

Some of you might at this instant think “Yeah, but if you feel strongly about a fantasy then you might go out and do in reality”. That is of course a valid statement – But yet again: Get Real! If that statement held some kind of general truth, then everyone in this world playing Counter-strike would be a potential killer. Some probably are, based on statistical probability – But they would probably be potential killers without Counter-strike as well.

I am never an abuser just because I’m living out a fantasy, in consent, together with other people that want to share the same fantasy. The only abuser in this scenario is the person that is trying to make me into a person that cannot see the difference between reality and a fantasy. The real abusers are the people that want to put a label on me based on their own narrow references and through moral domination.

And to even claim that you know what I am like in reality just because you see the word BDSM in my profile – That is just hilarious.

I am into BDSM, both in Second Life and in Real Life and I make no excuses about it. I am what I am, but you will never know what I am like, just because you see four characters hovering around my personality: BDSM. If you think you can judge me and call me an abuser just because you see these four characters – Then I have something for you. I have a message, loud and clear, that I want you to read a couple of times:

Get your derailed train of thoughts back on track and get fucking real!


DeSade Magazine covers BDSM from the inside. It is an online magazine created and crafted by experienced BDSM practitioners for anyone who is interested in personal stories, techniques, how-to’s and everything surrounding BDSM around the world.


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