I read a very interesting post over at Nimues World – A story, Nimue’s birthday gangbang, about how she spent her birthday.
She spent her birthday getting an abundance of orgasms, with her friends and later at a Swingers club where she let the slut in her come out. And it made me think along the same lines as Nimue did – Being a slut is all good.
Being a slut means that you are accepting your sexuality and your sexual drive. Accepting who you are is just good and if you want to have a fuck together with 10 partners at the same time, then so be it – That’s who you are.
This world is filled with too many people that don’t accept who they are because they feel that they have to live up to other peoples expectations.
Life is too short to not accept who you are, embrace yourself and start living!
Thank you for your comments about my blog! It has been quite a long journey for me to come to a place where i can accept that i am a slut, and it’s fantastic to see that others feel the same way – that the best thing anyone can do is to accept themselves for who they are.