sisterAs I participate in discussions all over the world through the Internet or face to face I consistently run into the common conception that submission is a gift that Dominant should cherish and respect.


I question this conception because I see a couple of potential pitfalls when someone makes such a statement.

  • The Dominance that submissive receives is an equally important gift
  • Having a mindset that is deeply rooted in the “Submission is a gift” opinion could create potential Power Exchange problems
  • It insinuates that the submissive have a greater deal of power in the relationship
  • Submission can be confused with love which  could create a potential confusion in the relationship

Let’s first get a couple prerequisites in place. The “submission is a gift” exists for a couple of good reasons. It sets the boundaries of the submission, which actually means that I,  as a Dominant, cannot throw my dominance at any random submissive and expect her to submit unless a relationship has been established – I.e the submissive has to accept my dominance by submitting to me.

Another good reason for the statement to exist is that it actually points out the fact that the Dominant has a responsibility to govern the submission that he or she is given – As he or she chooses within the established boundaries of the relationship.

I believe tho that the term “Submission is a gift” is overused and throws in an element of power into the hands of the submissive and it is in most cases discussed from one side. The dominance that the submissive is given is an equal gift and the submissive also should cherish the time and effort that the Dominant is putting into the process of training.

Sometimes I think people just say that submission is a gift because they might be insecure and have to emphasise to themselves that they have control, that they have something that can be taken away from the Dominant. My belief is that every BDSM relationship is a gift in itself and something that should be cherished by everyone involved – Not just the Dominant.

Submission is something you get as a Dominant from hard work. It is the fruit you get from the effort both parties put into the process.


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