One goal that we had when we gave the blog a makeover was to develop the content as well. One direction was to move into podcasting, which we did and it turned out really well.

Now comes the next step: Webcast

The observant reader might have already noticed the preparations for this on the right side menu where it says “Livecast”. You can access the webcast with an application like winamp, Windows media Player or Itunes and it basically gives us the possibility to run Live shows. This will give us new possibilities to interact with all our readers and we will also be able to broadcast shows from local parties etc, we want to share the scene with all of you.

When there are no live shows running then we will have a 24/7 music channel up an running with music that might be suitable for your personal BDSM sessions.

We will still continue to do our feature podcasts and our webcasts will be recorded, so if you miss one then you can always access it later.

Stay tuned for more information on our Webcasts…