We have asked ourselves over and over again – Can you compete in BDSM being in-world in Second Life? Can you compete in BDSM in Real Life? I’m personally more mixed up when it comes to RL BDSM, my opinion is that you might not (or maybe should not) be able to compete in it in a RL situation.
Can you compete in Second Life within BDSM? Most certainly, as it takes some skills to do a good roleplay in Second Life. That’s why we want to push the limits a bit and give it a really good try. The couple (or more if you have many slaves) that does the best BDSM scene will win the competition. How will it be judged then? We are working on a transparent judging scheme as I write this. So this will be revealed later on as the details are worked out.
The competition will take place on the 18th of may in-world on the Island of Pain.
Do you think it is possible and would you dare to participate? Give us your opinion.