Symbolic Treasures is a company which has a large assortment of different types of BDSM jewelry for both males and females. There is an experienced craftmanship behind their products and they do custom orders as well if you have a personal idea for a unique piece of jewelry.

I was drawn to their male rings which expressed both power and a clarity which I sometimes feel are missing in a lot of BDSM jewelry on the market, especially when it comes to jewelry made for Dominants.

What I really like about Symbolic Treasures is the variety of products and the intricate details that are present in a lot of them, especially their necklaces. They have pins, bracelets and cuff links among other things – All of them with a reference to BDSM. Their prices are fairly reasonable as well, which is something that doesn’t hurt at all.

Head over to the website of Symbolic Treasures and have a closer look at what they have to offer.


DeSade Magazine covers BDSM from the inside. It is an online magazine created and crafted by experienced BDSM practitioners for anyone who is interested in personal stories, techniques, how-to’s and everything surrounding BDSM around the world.


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