On the 24th of febuary, it’s time again. Another focused roleplay session. A new chance to catch some people with the same intrest – Intense and immersive adult roleplay.
You need DCS2 in order to participate in order to get damaged and prefered weapons are swords.
The event starts at 2 pm SLT (22:00 GMT) and takes place on the Island of Pain sim in Second Life.
I am looking forward to capturing my Master in RP on Suffer St 🙂
I just want to wish my Twinnie very good luck with capturing her Master!! I guess we’ll wait for the outcome!! Also goodluck and have fun for all of those who participate on Saturday!
Hmmm now I would like someone to post, for those of us as yet unfamiliar with DCS2, a What-A-Newbie-Needs-To-Know on participating, so that enjoyment is maximized and 🙂 technical frustrations avoided as much as possible.
Sexual frustrations are of course open for negotiation. 🙂 Hmmm… maybe I shouldn’t have said that much…
DCS2 is basically a box you wear and that keeps track of your health and damage. The DCS2 can be bougt on the Island and it will cost you 75 Lindens.
If you wanna fight then you need a DCS enbaled weapon as well – And that will cost you a bit more. 🙂