Here’s the latest example of BDSM expressions moving into the popular culture, Rihanna’s latest music video S & M.

The question now is whether it’s based on BDSM because BDSM is popular out there, or if some money grabbing producer believed it will make more people look at the video.

Extreme sex always sell, but it also leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth when it’s done as some sort of posing.

What do you think; Is Rihanna into BDSM, or is she just posing?

You’ll be the judge, but let us know what you think in the comments.


DeSade Magazine covers BDSM from the inside. It is an online magazine created and crafted by experienced BDSM practitioners for anyone who is interested in personal stories, techniques, how-to’s and everything surrounding BDSM around the world.


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