Jay Wiseman, author of “SM101 – A Realistic Introduction” and BDSM educator, created a lot of debate around his opinions regarding Breath Play. A lot of his argumentation was, and still is, based on his medical skills, which is something not everyone within the BDSM community has acquired.
I agree with Jay Wiseman on this, if you don’ t have the necessary skills to perform breath play, then it is a dangerous activity – And most people don’t know if they have the necessary skills or not. The other problem is that there are a lot of myths surrounding breath play, “rules” that people recite in forums as if they were scientifically proven truths – But the real truth is that most of them are, in most cases, unsubstantiated claims without any empirical data to back them up at all.
Just an hour ago, Jay Wiseman published an essay on Breath play which is supposed to be a closing argument to the debate that from time to time have been raging around his opinions and statements regarding breath play.
It’s basically straight off the press, the ink has hardly dried, so head over to Jay Wiseman’s website and read it.