Island of Pain Web Radio Show this week will be about the elusive myth of the “natural Dominant” – Does this this type of Dominant actually exist?

We have seen people discuss the existence of natural dominance, some even label themselves as being natural Dominants – But what does it actually mean and what is the definition of being natural Dominant. Sometimes it seems like it has become a the word of the day and it might almost be seen as the pivotal point of your “dominant career” to be labeled as being a natural dominant – It will give you a status.

We will also talk about Dominance in general as well – What is a good Dominant, what is a bad one?

Call us during the show, help us out in discussing the subject – And we would love to hear about the submissive point of view on this subject.

The show will on the air at 21 GMT (4 pm New York, 1 pm PDT/PST, 10 pm CET) on Friday the 29th of January.

Feel free to take our poll about the natural Dominant.

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You can use Skype to reach us during the show (add us to your friendslist) – Our skype name is bdsmlifestyle. We will also accept questions/opinions through Twitter which we will try to keep an eye on during the show. All participation will be anonymously.


DeSade Magazine covers BDSM from the inside. It is an online magazine created and crafted by experienced BDSM practitioners for anyone who is interested in personal stories, techniques, how-to’s and everything surrounding BDSM around the world.


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