We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. We would also like to say thanks to everyone that have made this year great.
There have been a lot of changes during the year, we started to do podcasts, which took of really well and don’t worry – There will be more of those. We changed the design of the blog and became more active on Twitter.
We’ve had some really good discussions during the past year, who will ever forget the wonderful statement made by Kandinsky Beaumont who claimed, without any doubt, that people into BDSM are more accepting towards Trafficking. Not a very smart comment to make if you don’t know what BDSM is all about.
There were some wonderful participants from an obscure Owners and Possession group over at Fetlife how claimed that I was lying to the BDSM community when I stated that the concept of aftercare is of uttermost importance. What they didn’t understand was that they, with clarity, showed that the concept became even more important to discuss. But I guess that aftercare becomes something evil to people if they only think it has to do with blankets and hot chocolate. I would like to thank them for the statement that I was corrupting the BDSM community, I wasn’t aware that I, all alone, had that kind of power.
Religion became a subject during the last month of the year based on a thread over at Revelife, I guess that people revise their religious beliefs close to Christmas. To me the answer to the religious conundrum is clear; BDSM is not a sin. Why would God enable us to come up with all these wonderful ideas for new BDSM toys if it was a sin?
We would like to thank everyone that have read our posts, commented, voted or participated in any form and we are looking forward to even more of that stuff during the next year.
We will finish this post by asking all of you; How has your year been – What has been your best BDSM experience of the year?
Fire away the comments…
Happy New Year, Master Stoltz! May your year be filled with blessing of every sort 🙂