Religion and BDSM comes to a clash now and then. It becomes evident in this forum where I have participated briefly.
I accept people of all religions, but I am not accepting religions which have only one purpose; To oppress people.
In my world view most religions have a purpose of making people bond. I know I might be a bit naive when you are looking at the reality, but that’s who I am; The hopeless optimist.
Let me just describe the following scenario; You have a group of kinksters that get together and have fun as friends. They totally enjoy what they are doing and keep it to themselves. They don’t go out and try to convert other people that are not into their kink. They don’t call vanilla people sick demented perverts just because the vanilla people aren’t into BDSM. The kinksters are more likely to accept those who are interested in what they are doing. They are most likely to accept you and it doesn’t matter what your particular kink is – As long as it isn’t hurting a non-consensual partner.
Let me describe a second scenario; You have a group of religious people that get together as friends. They totally enjoy what they are doing and keep it to themselves. They don’t go out and try to convert other people that are not into their religion. They don’t call other people into BDSM sick demented perverts. They will accept everyone without being judgemental towards a particular lifestyle. They will not judge people that want to have sex before marriage. They will not force anyone that wants to join them into a specific way of living. They believe that sex is human expression and you have to exercise it in which ever way you want, as long as it involves consenting adults that clearly can make their own decisions based on their own moral and ethical values.
Now tell me which scenario you find to be most likely…
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Personally I believe that some overly religious people are just using religion as a bad excuse to exercise judgemental behaviour towards other people. My question to every religious person trying judge people into BDSM is plain and simple; Who gave you that right?
It is possible to combine religion and BDSM without any doubt, but you cannot combine BDSM and religion if you are ignorant and don’t know anything about BDSM. I believe that some of the loudest people that are against BDSM are really afraid, but they are not afraid of BDSM. They are afraid of their own inability to understand and interpret BDSM and they are afraid that someone will discover this big gap in their understanding.
I am a great believer of bridging gaps, which is one of most important tasks that every religion has. Communication is the key issue here, and to every religious person out there who believes that I am mentally ill just because I do BDSM; You are more than welcome to communicate at any time – I will do my best and try to explain what I believe BDSM is about.
Everyone into BDSM knows how important it is to have good communication skills.
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