ZoomSounds - WordPress Audio Player

Created: 03/04/2016
Author: Digital Zoom Studio
Twitter: http://twitter.com/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/dzs
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Audio Player Intro

Want a nifty, cutting-edge, retina-ready, responsive html5 audio player for your site ? ZoomSounds is the perfect candidate. With four skins to fit every brand, only one format required to function, ZoomSounds is the perfect choice for an audio player.



Installation - top

There are two ways to install the plugin

Method 1 - Direct WordPress Install

  1. Just download the zip from your https://codecanyon.net/user/yourusername/downloads directory in a folder of your choosing.
  2. Unzip it with your preffered unziping utility. On Windows, there can be some warnings while unziping. Those are nothing to worry about if they appear, they are just Mac OS X files that cannot be read by Windows.
  3. Then in your wordpress installation, in the Plugins panel, click Add New like in this picture:
  4. Then click Upload, and select the zip you have downloaded from CC. Then click Activate.
  5. Access the admin panel from the ZoomSounds panel
  6. Add a new gallery from the Add Slider button.
  7. Start cusomizing to your needs. Have fun!

Method 2 - FTP Install

  1. Just download the zip from your https://codecanyon.net/user/yourusername/downloads directory in a folder of your choosing.
  2. Unzip it with your preffered unziping utility. On Windows, there can be some warnings while unziping. Those are nothing to worry about if they appear, they are just Mac OS X files that cannot be read by Windows.
  3. Then, if the folder dzs-zoomsounds is zipped, unzip that too. Then copy the folder in the wp-content/plugins folder
  4. Then in your wordpress installation, in the Plugins panel, locate DZSZoomSounds and click Activate
  5. Access the admin panel from your Dashboard > ZoomSounds
  6. Add a new gallery from the Add Slider button.
  7. Start cusomizing to your needs. Have fun!


classic editor

You can now add audio galleries you create in the ZoomSounds Admin into any post or page. To make it simple a Shortcode Generator is included. You can access it via this button.

The first button is the shortcode genreator launcher and the second one ( the one with a plus ) ads a single audio player to the page from the media gallery.

The first button launches the Shortcode Generator


You can now add audio galleries you create in the ZoomSounds Admin into any post or page. To make it simple a Shortcode Generator is included. You can access it via this button.


This video should help you setup your first audio file in no time.





Adding to the Post / Page via shortcode - top

If you want to use the shortcode 

  1. access / create your post / page
  2. insert this shortcode into the post / page
    [zoomsounds id="default"]
  3. replace default with the id you have set in the admin panel
  4. All done!



Special Features- top



Admin Menu Explained


The main division in the admin panel, sliders are independent to each other, each slider has it's own items and main settings, you can add new sliders via the Add Slider button underneath the table. Multiple slidesrs with different ids can be added into one page.



The items are divisions of a slider. They each have their own settings and preview image which show up if the item is an image. The top right button deletes the item and the bottom left duplicates the item.

extra: in the timeline slider there are 3 types of items ( see Images, Marks and Milestones section above )

batch upload

If you have a modern browser ( and you should ) - you can use it's full power to bring you accesibility and easy uploading. Just drag and drop your images ( can be multiple ) and they will automatically added as image items.

In the top area you will see a button stating the curent database. You can click on it and it will render a list of databases you have created to write galleries in. You can create new databases for galleries by writing a name for your new database in the lat item of the select database container. Once you have created your gallery in the database you can insert in the content via

[zoomsounds id="theid" db="dbname"]

Note: if you have many galleries, it is recommeded to distribute them accross multiple databases. So in the unlikely event one crashes, the other ones are safe.

Shortcode Attributes

The admin has plenty of sidenotes to explain every option. The admin generates shortcodes which in turn generates the front end player. Some attributes of the shortcode explained here like:

playerid - id of the zoomsounds custom post type for saving comments/ratings/etc.
cue - on/off -> for choosing if the sound should load when the page starts.

How to change Waveform Color and size

To change waveform color and size, go to ZoomSounds > Settings and change these seetings

How to change player highlight color

To change waveform color and size, go to ZoomSounds > Player Configurations and change these seetings - Highlight Color

Save the player configuration and of course you have to select this Player Configuration in the ZoomSounds player or playlist you are using.


How to use one click installer

Access from any post page the shortcode generator and click new playlist button

You can install for example Sample Soundcloud Gallery Thumbs

Then you can find the new gallery in ZoomSounds admin.

How to setup footer player / bottom player

Activate the sticky player from page meta options ( under each page content editor )

Set the content source to "Parent Player"

In the player shortcode make sure faketarget attribute is set to


example shortcode:

[zoomsounds_player source="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Santigold-Disparate-Youth.mp3" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="46" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubbg_Santigold-Disparate-Youthmp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubprog_Santigold-Disparate-Youthmp3.png" thumb="" autoplay="off" cue="on" enable_likes="off" enable_rates="off" enable_views="on" songname="Disparate Youth" artistname="" faketarget="#dzsap_footer"]



How to display WooCommerce grid

First of all, for the products that you want to display, you should set a track in the ZoomSounds tab we created in each WooCommerce Product.

You can also set waveform ( for skin-wave ) . If you want to show only a sample, you can do that. Just upload the sample in the Track field. Insert your full track in the Downloadable Items field ( from the General Tab ) and th/e users who purchase will be able to download that. Also if downloadable item is set, the waveform will be generated based on it ( must be mp3 )

To then show the grid, just go to a new page, setup a footer player

Then just insert this shortcode:

[dzsap_woo_grid type="product" style="style1" vpconfig="skinwave-with-comments" faketarget="#dzsap_footer" cats=""]


Video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er2WgT99xDM&feature=youtu.be



You can read more about it here

The process to translate the plugin is fairly easy:

  1. download poedit
  2. go to the plugin folder ( wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds or in the package you receive from CC ) to the languages folder
  3. duplicate default.po and rename the dupe to dzsap-{region}_{language}.po -> for example for Spain / Spanish it's dzsap-es_ES.po you can find the format for each language in the link above
  4. open the newly renamed file in poedit - do the changes and save - a .mo file with the same name will be created - that will be the translation file


How to Create Your Own Gallery

The process is straightover, but we'll explain it here to make sure no one confuses any step. To create your own gallery, you just need to click the Add Gallery button.

Then, you will see in the table on top, a new gallery with the id default has been created. The next step is to click the Edit button refering to that gallery.

Now, all the settings of your new gallery will appear in the left, and the items of the gallery in the right.

The first step, is to edit the ID of the gallery to a more unique name then default, then you can edit any settings you will customize, and add as many items as you wish via the add button.

This plugin stores data in the WordPress database in a field 'dzsap_items' inside 'wp_options'.

Then it's easy to add it to any post / page via this simple shortcode [zoomsounds id="theidyouset"]

Remove skin-aura playlist share and like

Just go to ZoomSounds > Settings > Appearence and in Extra css enter

body .zoomsounds-nav.skin-aura .menu-item .float-right { display:none;}


How to add download button

Galleries / playlists

In zoomsounds admin - for each item in the gallery / playlist, you can select it

This is for galleries


Single Player

Just make sure you have the enable_download attribute set to on

For example replace this

[zoomsounds_player source="http://localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/rtMedia/users/1/2015/09/adg314.mp3" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="748" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/scrubbg_adg314mp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/scrubprog_adg314mp3.png" thumb="" autoplay="off" cue="on" enable_likes="off" enable_views="on" songname="adg3" artistname=""]


[zoomsounds_player source="http://localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/rtMedia/users/1/2015/09/adg314.mp3" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="748" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/scrubbg_adg314mp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/scrubprog_adg314mp3.png" thumb="" autoplay="off" cue="on" enable_likes="off" enable_views="on" songname="adg3" artistname="" enable_download_button="on"]




Add Extra Buttons ( social buttons ) to player

Just go to ZoomSounds > Player Configurations and for the player configuration you are using, go to developer options and you'll find the options Extra HTML in Right Controls and Extra HTML in bottom Controls

You can place any html content there and it's very easy to place social icons.

Now, there are 2 button styles that you can use, represented in the picture below.


For example, for a twitter icon, in the right controls as in the picture

We just need to enter this in Extra HTML in Right Controls :

[player_button style="player-but" label="Twitter Profile" icon="fa-twitter" link="#"] 



For example, for a twitter icon , in the bottom controls as in the picture

We just need to enter this in Extra HTML in Bottom Controls :

[player_button style="btn-zoomsounds" background_color="#da21ca"
color="#ffffff" label="Twitter" icon="fa-twitter" link="#"]  

No scroll playlist

How to make the playlist not scroll - have infinite height - eliminate scroll

You need to go to zoomsounds admin and for the gallery you are using, go to Force Dimensions and in Menu Maximum Height input auto.


How to open a sound in ZoomBox

Just add these special attributes to the shortcode

[zoomsounds_player source="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/rockshow.mp3" sourceogg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/adg3.ogg" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="3208" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubbg_rockshowmp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubprog_rockshowmp3.png" thumb="" openinzoombox="on"]open in zoombox[/zoomsounds_player]

The open in ZoomBox text can actuallybe any html code ( like images etc. )


Comments not working

...even though in the player configuration I have enabled the option comments enable to on.

Aditionally to this option, you need a media file on which to hook the comments. Your shortcode now probably looks like this:

[zoomsounds_player source="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/rockshow.mp3" sourceogg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/adg3.ogg" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubbg_rockshowmp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubprog_rockshowmp3.png" thumb="" openinzoombox="on"]open in zoombox[/zoomsounds_player]

You need to link to an existing Media item

[zoomsounds_player source="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/rockshow.mp3" sourceogg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/adg3.ogg" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="46" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubbg_rockshowmp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubprog_rockshowmp3.png" thumb="" openinzoombox="on"]open in zoombox[/zoomsounds_player]

You get access to the Media Library by clicking Media in your WP Dashboard like so

in the bottom you can see the id ( 46 )

Also you can link gallery items to media library items ( for comments and likes recording )


How to place a SoundCloud sound

Just input your API key into the Settings screen.

Then just input this shortcode ( as an example )

[zoomsounds_player source="https://soundcloud.com/dubstep/stardust-by-james-egbert-schoolboy-ft-taylr-renee" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="3208" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubbg_rockshowmp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubprog_rockshowmp3.png" thumb="" autoplay="on" cue="on" enable_likes="off" enable_views="off"]

So you see in the source attribute you have to have the full link to the SoundCloud sound.


How to place a Private SoundCloud sound

Just input your API key into the Settings screen.

Then just input this shortcode ( as an example )

[zoomsounds_player source="https://soundcloud.com/dubstep/stardust-by-james-egbert-schoolboy-ft-taylr-renee" secret_token="xyz" config="skinwave-with-comments" playerid="3208" waveformbg="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubbg_rockshowmp3.png" waveformprog="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dzs-zoomsounds/waves/scrubprog_rockshowmp3.png" thumb="" autoplay="on" cue="on" enable_likes="off" enable_views="off"]

So you see in the source attribute you have to have the full link to the SoundCloud sound.

Warning - you will need a secret token from your private soundcloud track.

This is how to get one, first, go to the soundcloud file in your browser, and click the share button.


Then, click on the embed code, and find the secret_token portion.



How to place a ShoutCast ( Live Stream ) sound

You must first check if the stream is audio/mpeg. Let's take for example http://streamplus40.leonex.de:41364/if you open this in a browser you will see that Content Type: audio/mpeg

[zoomsounds_player type="shoutcast" source="http://streamplus40.leonex.de:41364/;" config="default" playerid="" waveformbg="" waveformprog="" thumb="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-RhXJ4O5JiEQ/UoKDBeGx5-I/AAAAAAAAAEU/Dkace1QwAKU/s80/smalllogo2.jpg" autoplay="on" cue="on" enable_likes="off" enable_views="off" playfrom=""]


How to use sample times

These are for woocommerce products - if you have a sound attached, zoomsounds can play it

Also the values should be something like




( example for a 2 minute track )





How to Insert a Player with External Source

Just input this shortcode

[zoomsounds_player source="http://yoursite.com/linktoyour.mp3" config="default" playerid="" waveformbg="" waveformprog="" thumb="" autoplay="on" cue="on" enable_likes="off" enable_views="off"]

All you have to do is modify the source attribute value to match your mp3 location.

What is the difference between Wave Mode - canvas and Wave Mode - image

Canvas is the new wave generation method. The wave data generation happens only once on first track load ( on frontend ) . The wave data then remains saved in the database. This is much more customizable. You can change color and reflection size in the settings and the

Oposed to the Image wave mode ( deprecated ) which generates the wave image only in the admin. If changes are made to the color, then all the tracks waveform images must be regenerated.


The difference can actually be seen here - https://0.s3.envato.com/files/206819501/index.html if you open the left panel and set Wave Mode to Image.



How to Replicate Preview

Just watch this video


How to add waveforms to the media

  1. just go to your WordPress Dashboard > Media > Library
  2. add a new mp3 or edit the one you want
  3. press the Auto Generate button, then wait for the orange button to become bright
  4. you can now click the orange button and the location of the waveform generated waveform will appear in the field
  5. you can now click Update and the settings will be preserved.
  6. when you now use the create a new player from the media library button the waveforms will be imported automatically

What if the waveform turns out unfidel to the real waves?

This is rare, but in case you want to regenerate waveforms with another tool ( flash ) - you can go to ZoomSounds > Settings, click Analyze Track Data ( at the bottom of the page )

Input the media id - ( how )

And then if you want to save the flash array text over it ,

- in order to save the pcm data fro mthe flash tool, click the text in the flash tool and press ctrl + a ( Select All )

- click the Save PCM Data from text area.


How to Activate Comments Chart

Go to ZoomSounds > Settings and check Activate Comments Widget


How to Place a Download Button in the Menu

Go to the gallery item you want to have the download links and input this in Menu Options > Extra HTML

<div class="file-icon download-button" style="display: inline-block"><a href="https://soundcloud.com/dubstep/stardust-by-james-egbert-schoolboy-ft-taylr-renee"><span class="header-clip"><span class="header-triangle"></span></span><span class="header-bg"></span><div class="clear"></div><div class="file-icon-inner"><i class="icon-download"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.mp3</div></a></div>



How to Place a Download Button in the Menu That Works Only After Rate or Comment

Go to the gallery item you want to have the download links and input this in Menu Options > Extra HTML

<div class="file-icon download-button download-after-rate" style="display: inline-block"><a href="https://soundcloud.com/dubstep/stardust-by-james-egbert-schoolboy-ft-taylr-renee"><span class="header-clip"><span class="header-triangle"></span></span><span class="header-bg"></span><div class="clear"></div><div class="file-icon-inner"><i class="icon-download"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.mp3</div></a></div>

note that the only difference is the download-after-rate class




How to setup the gallery with background changing

There is an example - index.html .

<div class="ap-wrapper center-ap" style="width:100%;">
<div class="the-bg" style=" background-image: url(img/bg.jpg);"></div>

[zoomsounds id="gal1"]

The key is to have the gallery wrapped in a ap-wrapper div. Then on the items that you want to change the background, you should go in the admin and on that item you should set the Wrapper Background.




FAQ - top

You can check this link for a list of popular questions. Other questions you might have:

What is an youtube ID?

Take this movie for example - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXLvR6ZaZk4 . The youtube ID is just this part: UXLvR6ZaZk4

Where are comments stored ?

They are in the Comments section of your dashboard. Linked to the mp3 media file.

How do I make my audio properly encoded to use ?

You only need mp3 for the player to function. This means the flash player backup will kick in for unsupported browsers. If you want full html5 playback, you need to add a ogg audio file.

The player won't start / broken

It might be because your mp3 is broken . Reencode it with - http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp3




Developer Tips - top

This gallery provides source files ( in the source folder ) so if you are developer you can start customizing it.


How to edit player_block

You will have to have version required installing by npm i -g pack




then  delete node_modules and run this command in terminal in dzs-zoomsounds/ folder

npm link autoprefixer
npm link babel-core
npm link babel-eslint
npm link babel-loader
npm link babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread
npm link babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx
npm link babel-plugin-transform-runtime
npm link babel-preset-env
npm link babel-runtime
npm link cross-env
npm link css-loader
npm link extract-text-webpack-plugin
npm link node-sass
npm link postcss-loader
npm link raw-loader
npm link sass-loader
npm link style-loader
npm link webpack



Recommended Programs

You can generally use any text editing software to edit most content/code, but this is what I recommend:

Make your own skin
  1. duplicate all .skin-wave references in audioplayer.cscs
  2. replace skin-wave with your skin-name
  3. you have a new skin named skin-name in where you can change any styling
  4. with a little css knowledge ,the possibilities are endless


How to disable right controls of audio player

You can disable skin-silver controls by going to Settings > Appearence and in extra css enter

.audioplayer.skin-silver .ap-controls .ap-controls-right{ display:none!important; }