There is a case that will go to court in Sweden that puts an interesting question to the test.
Is BDSM illegal?
It’s an interesting question that keep the BDSM community occupied at times, my simple answer to this particular question is straightforward; It depends.
It depends in which country you reside in and the application of the laws in that particular country.
In the UK you have a specific law against the depiction of voilent pornography – The problem with a law like that is the definition itself; what should be considered to be “violent pornography” and does the concept of consensual sex matter?
The application of the law in the UK has shown that it doesn’t matter if the acts being performed are consensual – If the “violent pornography” is photographed or captured on video, the intent to sell or not doesn’t matter, then it is by definition illegal and this is how the law is applied as well by the judicial system in the UK.
The laws in Sweden are more liberal regarding this matter, the judicial system has in most cases stayed away from fiddling when it comes to how people organise their relationships or how they live out their sexuality – Until now.
The district attorney, Ulrika Rogland, in Malmö in the south of Sweden has decided to charge a 32-year old man with assault and battery – Because he carried out a consensual BDSM session together with a 16-year old girl (legal age for sexual acts is 15 in Sweden).
The session took place in January after the man met the young girl through a website where she, according to the man, chatted him up. The couple chatted a lot about what they were going to do when they met up, which they eventually did. The girl was put in a cage and had to write a slave application that also involved some humiliation play. Everything lasted for two days where the girl got flogged and had to wear nipple clamps.
When the mother of the girl saw the bruises she filed a complaint.
There are circumstances that complicates the case – The girl has a history of self hurting behaviour, but she gave consent to the things that she was subjected to, before and during the activities, i.e she didn’t use the established safeword. She, according to the district attorney, regretted afterwards to participating in the session.
This is a sensitive matter in itself.
Imagine being young and not totally secure in your own sexuality. Your mother discovers the bruises and is disgusted by what you have been subjected to. My guess is that it’s not easy to stand your ground and claim with certainty that this is what you want and a major part of your sexuality. You will probably have “second thoughts” and regret in order to not be expelled from your family.
The district attorney has used very strong words, claiming that the girl was humiliated and beaten for several hours with blunt objects and she even had clamps attached to her nipples.
Her advice is that people, if they want to be safe from the law, have to think about how hard they hit and go more easy on things when they do BDSM.
As you might understand, I’m more than critical to this kind of statement. How do you judge when carrying out a flogging session, if you are holding back your blows properly in order to not cross the legal limit between minor assault and battery and assault and battery?
This will probably be impossible to do and the effect is that as a Dominant you will always be handed the short end of the stick if you end up with a play partner that turns out to be a nut job – And yes, nut jobs do exist on the submissive side of things as well.
The issues that are put to the test during this case are the following:
- How much can you consent to – The district attorney argues that you can only consent to minor assault and battery.
- Which acts are within limits – This is a tricky thing to judge, especially if you aren’t a participant in the session itself.
- If you don’t use safewords and consent to the activities, can you actually regret things afterwards and then claim you didn’t want to do it?
- What are the responsibilities of the Dominant in this case
As you can imagine, it’s very easy to end up in mess here. The girls young age isn’t in favor of the 32-year old Dominant and I am personally afraid that she will be portrayed as a victim without a personal will. The validity of a consent will also be put to test in this case and how seriously you should treat the consent itself. I also find it interesting that the girls self hurting behaviour is mentioned – Which could mean that the district attorney will argue that the Dominant man should have been aware of this and realised that her will to carry out BDSM related activities was only an effect of her psychological instabilities.
If this is the case then we have a district attorney here in Sweden that, between the lines, argues that BDSM is a pathological behaviour – And the first steps will then be taken to, wrongfully, argue that this type of sexual behaviours should be banned.
The other part is what your responsibilities are as a Dominant – What can you do if your potential play partner seems to be psychologically safe, sane and consensual, then all of a sudden turns out to to be the opposite? Is it a required responsibility of the Dominant to ask for a clean bill of health or is the responsibility equally shared between the two parties?
I am worried about what the effects of this case will be, even if I welcome the fact that the concept of consent will actually be tried from a judicial point of view.
this is indeed a most troubling case, especially since this issue has been raised in one of the most sexually liberal and fetish-friendly countries. I hope that this case resolves some issues involving consent to assault (which is the major problem with the ongoing BDSM case in the States) but I worry that it will simply play out as the young girl being victim of the older male – not a fair portrayal of the situation as you have so welled described. As a sub myself I am really frustrated by the idea that submissives have no free will and are simply victims of abuse. Lawyers who misunderstand BDSM and thus misrepresent it are doing more harm than good for the preservation of rights and safe play within BDSM. I shall watch this case with interest!
Your speculation on how this case might be played out might, unfortunately, come true. The D.A has mentioned the girl's self hurting behaviour as a circumstance, which to me make it seem like she wants to portray the girl as a psychological instable victim.
The fact that subs are turned into victims goes against how the community in general see subs.
Apologies for the typos… tired fingers
In England and Wales, although a couple of cases have since been ruled “not a matter for the courts”, the Spanner precedent still applies, which rules that mutual sexual enjoyment is not “good reason” under the terms of the Offences Against the Person Act (properly organised sports are the usual example, and necessary or elective surgery is usually cited as another, for what constitutes a “good reason”). This means that any BDSM leaving marks that are more than ‘trifling and transient” (previous court precedent and current Crown Prosecution Service language) runs the risk of being tried as Actual Bodily Harm. Perhaps the most absurd part of the Spanner precedent is that the supposed victim, by giving consent to BDSM play, is judged to be guilty of being an accessory to the crime!
Thank you for the details regarding the UK laws on this matter. The same argumentation is being used here in Sweden between BDSM and sports. The problem here right now is that the definition of Assault and Battery here in Sweden stipulates that one person has the “will” to hurt another.
The consent in this case could be seen as the girl having a “will” of her own to be hurt as the recieveing party and this is what the D.A wants to test – Is her consent valid and I suspect that the line of argumentation being used by the D.A is that the consent that the girl gave wasn’t valid due to her psychological instability. This will undoubtedly be used to portray the girl as a victim not being in a sound mind.
Add to this that it’s election year in Sweden this year and this might be a political platform for the D.A in question.
In other words; this case smells from the start…
My question would be this…Are they going to say that EVERY person who consentually agrees to BDSM as a submissive is phychologically unstable or will this leave the door open for someone to challenge that assumption?
Even if one might think that this might be the ambition of the D.A it's not very likely that this will happen.
But the psychological instability of the girl in this case is for sure a part of the DA's argumentation that this girl is practically a victim. Personally I don't like this as it would be easy to "victimize" all submissives when something goes wrong, therefor implying that when something goes wrong, then it's due to the fact that the Dominant made this happen with intent.
This puts all the responsibility on the Dominant and basically none on the submissive when it comes to the concept of informed consent.
My guess is that this is done by the D.A because she cannot make the consent given by the girl go away, so the D.A is trying to invalidate the consent given by the girl. Sexual abuse is out of the question because the girl is of legal age and rape is neither possible to pin the guy with because of the consent.
This is why the mental health of the girl is mentioned and why the validity of the consent is being tried.
I called the court a week ago and a court date has not been filed yet, so this case might go away as well because the D.A isn't allowed to go any further with this case.
We'll see how it all pans out.
This case has nothing to do with BDSM. This is a classic case of establishing whether there was prior consent or not. If there was consent then it is a case of establishing whether the "crown" would like to pursue charges regardless of someone being charged by a third party.
I recently completed a rather large article on BDSM and consent, you can find it on
This truly has nothing to do with BDSM per se, this has everything to do with the interpretation of consent and how you can obtain consent. The person acting out with the 16 year old was simply stupid for not getting written, prior consent on exactly what he wanted to do to her. especially with someone that old you should do that.
Implied consent, verbal consent and the many forms between are a very hard case to prove in a court of law, because in this particular case all the DA needs to actually win the case is reasonable doubt, whereas you need to prove that you had consent beyond reasonable doubt.
I am really not concerned, this has been regurgitated more than once before in many different court of laws. the circumstances to arrive at this might have had to do with BDSM, it is no different from any other assault and battery case though.
This is actually different as the consent is established and not being disputed by the district attorney.
And it has to do with BDSM as the legal age for sexual activities in Sweden is 15, so the district attorney is pulling this case to the court due to the element of BDSM, nothing else.
The Dominant wouldn't have been prosecuted if there weren't any BDSM present.
The case is going to trial because the D.A wants to try if a person can consent to assult and battery, which she claims that they cannot.
So the element of BDSM is in particular being tried here in Sweden when it comes to the validity of a persons consent.
So how did the case turn out? Incidentally, there is no 'United Kingdom' law on such issues. England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland all have their own legal systems.
My opnions is that an girl of 16 years old should not be in bdsm lifestyle, as at that age one has no idea yet of the one one own sexsual identity. And that man of 32 years should be ashamed of himself, he is no master, meeting an girl that age and do these things with her.
and may i also add that many subs are unstable espcially the very young ones. i have hear enough of their stories and they have no business in the bdsm lifestyle till they have solved their troubles and seek professional help for that, and not to bring them to bdsm.
And an master an real good one knows that !