Fifty Shades of Grey Baby ClothesFifty Shades of Grey has become a phenomenon all over the world, it’s basically the same mechanisms behind the book that drives the phenomenon surrounding the Twilight saga. The book has laid a foundation for the hordes of vanilla people to foray into the dark world of BDSM. The marketing machine is running at the same time with a steady and pounding pace while people in bedrooms all over the world are struggling with wet dreams of Dominance and submission.

There are products being produced in reference to the book, actors handpicked for the upcoming film and everyone wants to be involved and have a slice of cake that popular culture is in full swing baking.

I’ve tried to defend myself against the phenomenon Fifty Shades of Grey, even though it sneaks up on me through TV, radio and in every newspaper.

Now I can’t hide anymore.

Since Fifty Shades of Grey is everywhere, in all shapes, I feel obliged to read the book if I should be able to relate to the impact it has on the BDSM culture.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a video which shows the “same type” of glass beads as described in Fifty Shades of Grey, because we all know that if there is something described in Fifty Shades of Grey then it’s a guarantee for a sexual treat that we’ve never experienced before.

And while you are looking at the gorgeous glass balls from Fifty Shades of Grey you might also want to consider the wonderful baby clothes with a witty reference to Fifty Shades of Grey.

Everything is up for grabs when popular culture grabs hold of it and we all want to be a part of it, don’t we?