Hammerfell Armoury ClawsClaws are quite useful in a BDSM context – They give the victim an interesting tactile sensation and plays with the, almost culturally encoded, fear of sharp objects that tells us that they are dangerous. I’m personally intrigued by how claws can become a tool that is both esthetically and gracious at the same time. They affect how the wearer moves the hand and fingers and every movement seems to become a choreographed dance.

They are also an intricate part of electroplay and claws are often used in what is commonly known as indirect techniques, which is when electricity routed through the body of the Dominant across to the submissive. This means, in simple terms, that the Dominant becomes charged and the charge can be directed through claws themselves in order to give the submissive an electrical jolt. Objects with a small point are perfect for this kind of play, which usually involves a violet wand as well, because they focus the charge better compared to large surface objects.

Claws comes in different sizes and shapes as well as in different quality. Some claws will break easily due to their lack of quality. The choice of material is also important because it dictates how conductive the claws themselves will be.

Hammerfell Armoury Etched ClawsI bumped into the a set of claws made by Hammerfell Amoury and they are of high quality judging from the comments and the pictures. They might be on the pricey side of things, but as I always tell people; You get what you pay for – Which is something that is even more true when it comes to BDSM related products. There is a bunch a crap out there, which is cheap, but it wont even last one session before it falls apart. If you know that you will use things for a long time, then put some extra bucks into them, it will certainly pay off in the long run.

One thing that is quite nice with the claws made by Hammerfell is the ability to have them made with a custom etching. These claws are not your ordinary run of the mill claws, these are a part of a personal statement.

And to be honest, who doesn’t want to look like Freddy Krueger now and then?

Head over to their website for prices and more information.