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Hey there! Me and my sub just found your blog, and we love it. We’re just starting our own blog ourselves and we would love to be in touch with other BDSM bloggers/readers. This is an invitation to you and all interested observers to pay us a visit (we’ve been feeling very lonely there 🙂 ).
Here’s us:
Pay us a visit, drop us a line. Hope you all enjoy it :)))!
@anonithoughts I will take a look at your blog, fellow BDSM bloggers are always welcome here. I will also put your blog in our links so people can find it.
@Stoltz Sinatra I’d love for you both to take a look at my new video series at My shows are called No Vanilla and they are supposed to teach couples about all sorts of No Vanilla sex stuff including swinging and BDSM
@Stoltz Sinatra Hello Stoltz and Anoni! I would also love to add a resource to the list. My family’s shop specializes in bondage stuff for beginners, all vanilla nothing freaky at all. I also enjoyed the No Vanilla series from Jeff’s resource below. I enjoy things that teach people that kinky play is Okay!
It’s also nice to know adults are not left in the dark in bondage play – pun intended hehe! Now for my shameless plug, if you would not mind letting people know about the article I wrote to help with all introductory matters. I am also a bondage fan and somewhat of a sex therapist doing guest columns and the like, call it a darker Sue Johansen I suppose!
<a href=””></a>
Thanks and see y’all soon!