After a couple of technical conundrums and scratchings, we are alive!

It’s alive….It’s ALIVE!

It has been a couple of brain twitching couple of days as we’ve been fiddling with routers and our ISP back and forth. I even managed to sink the network in my local area because I forgot to turn off a internal DHCP server which started to flood the network in my hometown with IP-addresses – Oups! Let me tell you this, my ISP wasn’t all happy about my “little” mistake. But as we say among us kinksters; No pain, no gain.

Our livecast pipeline is up and running, with music at the moment. We are preparing a couple of test shows which I will announce shortly. You access the feed by pressing the choices on the right side of the blog: Mac friendly or Windows friendly feed. This will open your media player and you will be able to start listening straight away.

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