This is a whip I got from Jack’s Floggers in London. All the floggers and whips they sell are handmade and well worth their price. The handles is made from wood and I would say that this is definitely the definition of a quality whip.
Do I have to say that the Dragon tail whip has a really nice sting to it?
I have to ask… what is the difference between a flogger and a whip? That looks like a whip to me.
You are totally correct. I have to blame language issues and tiredness. The mistake has been corrected.
So the difference is one or many tails then? I was thinking there might be something about length.. You see, whips scare me more than floggers – usually; the “barbed wire” flogger you posted after this whip however is very scary looking.
I cannot stop looking at either. It’s a happy sort of scared feeling, if that makes sense.
Yes, a flogger has many tails. I can understand your fear of whips as they are usually more stingy and the pain is more concentrated to a smaller area. Floggers usually have a different sensation as they are worked across a a wider area of the body.
Length is not, to my knowledge. important when it comes to the definition of a flogger or a whip.